TEDx 2017: I worked closely with the musicians and the staging crew to create looping video component featured on a screen just above the performer to create an atmosphere that enhances the emotional impact of the musical performances. I worked with theater professionals on a combination of video, lighting, costume, and blocking that captivated the crowd.
TEDx 2018: On a new assignment, I was partnered with the winner of the first ever TEDx Portland Ideas Booth, Kristine Napper. The winner is selected four weeks out from the actual performance, so we have to move quickly and be decisive. I worked closely with Kristine to create visuals that helped emphasize the meaning of her idea. I also progressed the slides for her during the live event so she could focus on her performance. It was an honor and a thrill ride to be her design and performance support during this first year of having an Ideas Booth winner speak at the live event.
TEDx 2019: I continued my assignment as the design and performance support for the Ideas Booth winner. I worked closely with the winner, Julia Niiro, to create visuals that supported her talk. I once again progressed the slides during the live performance, finding that it allowed the speaker to carry the performance and gave me the continued opportunity to be present backstage.
TEDx 2021: The pandemic stopped a lot of things, including the 10th anniversary of TEDx Portland planned for 2020. But we brought it back in 2021, this time without the Ideas Booth, and I was partnered with two amazing women to create visuals and provide performance support. I collaborated with Amy Wolff and Viva Las Vegas (Liv Osthus) on the visuals and progressed the slides for both of them, hanging on every word to make sure I hit my cue.